Deliverability 101 with Hans, Hello Inbox Founder

Episode Summary: 

In this episode of the Revenue Lab Podcast, we sit down with Hans from Hello Inbox, a seasoned entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience in the tech and email deliverability space. Hans shares his journey from running a WordPress theme business to launching Hello Inbox, a service dedicated to improving email deliverability for businesses. He offers a deep dive into the technical aspects of email marketing, including SPF, DKIM, and DMARC setups, email warming, and the importance of a proper email infrastructure.

Key Topics Discussed:
  1. Introduction to Hans and Hello Inbox:
    • Hans shares his background and how his frustration with low email open rates led him to launch Hello Inbox.
    • He discusses his journey as an entrepreneur, from starting a business at 17 to his current focus on email deliverability.
  2. The Origins of Hello Inbox:
    • Hans explains how Hello Inbox started as a personal project to solve his email deliverability issues.
    • He launched the service on Hacker News, which led to unexpected interest and demand for his expertise.
  3. Understanding Email Deliverability:
    • Discussion on common mistakes in email setups, including the importance of proper authentication (SPF, DKIM, DMARC).
    • Hans emphasizes the need for regular email list cleaning and personalized content to improve deliverability.
  4. Technical Deep Dive:
    • Hans provides a detailed explanation of email authentication protocols and why they are crucial for email deliverability.
    • He shares tips on monitoring and improving email deliverability using tools like Postmark.
  5. Email Warming:
    • The importance of warming up email accounts before sending cold emails.
    • Hans discusses the ideal warm-up period and how to use services like Instantly and Lemlist to automate the process.
  6. Best Practices for Email Content:
    • Tips on avoiding spam triggers, optimizing email copy, and the benefits of A/B testing email content to ensure it lands in the primary inbox.
    • The debate over including links in cold emails and how to do it without affecting deliverability.
  7. Hans' Entrepreneurial Journey:
    • Hans recounts his experience running a performance engine import business and the challenges he faced.
    • He talks about his transition into digital businesses and the lessons learned along the way.
  8. Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs:
    • Hans advises on the importance of patience, understanding market needs, and the necessity of enjoying the business you're in.
    • He shares insights on why not everyone is suited for entrepreneurship and the importance of finding the right business idea.
  9. Digital Nomad Lifestyle:
    • Hans discusses his experience as a digital nomad, splitting his time between Canada and Mexico.
    • The pros and cons of the nomadic lifestyle, and his shift towards seeking a more stable base.
Interesting Tips from Hans:
  • Taking a mid-week day off (Wednesdays) to recharge and refocus can increase productivity.
  • The importance of not just working more hours, but working smartly and focusing on what truly brings results.
  • Hans is also available on Discord to answer any email deliverability questions.

Places To Check Out:
  • Check out Hello Inbox’s deliverability checklist.
  • Join the Hello Inbox community on Discord for more insights and support.
Deliverability 101 with Hans, Hello Inbox Founder
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