0 - 1 Million USD in 10 Months: Mitchell Keller


Mitchell Keller shares his journey from accidentally starting an agency to focusing on cold email and prospecting. He discusses his unique prospecting strategies, including using data and AI to personalize outreach. Mitchell also introduces the Value Connect method, which involves providing outsized effort and value to prospects. He emphasizes the importance of deep work and setting clear goals to balance work and personal life. In this conversation, Mitchell Keller shares his experiences and insights as a business owner. He discusses the use of automated systems to track time allocation and make informed decisions. Mitchell also reflects on how his business experiences have changed his outlook on life, emphasizing the importance of perseverance and self-belief. He opens up about the challenges he faced during difficult times and the impact on his mental health. Mitchell shares how he rebuilt trust with his partners and found a clear direction for his business. He concludes by sharing his life hacks and rituals for success, including the use of saunas, to-do lists, and written knowledge bases.

  • Data and prospecting are crucial for successful cold outreach
  • Using AI and GPT can enhance personalization and data parsing
  • The Value Connect method involves providing outsized effort and value to prospects
  • Balancing work and personal life requires deep work and setting clear goals

Introduction and Background
Transition to Cold Email and Prospecting
Unique Prospecting Strategies
Using GPT and AI in Cold Email
Value Connect Method
Balancing Work and Personal Life
Automated Systems and Time Allocation
Business Experiences and Outlook on Life
Perseverance and Belief in Self
Impact of Business Challenges on Mental Health
Rebuilding Trust and Finding Direction
Life Hacks and Rituals for Success
0 - 1 Million USD in 10 Months: Mitchell Keller
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